Fight stress by treating your stomach ?

The process of reducing stress can be as simple as eating better, as a number of studies have shown that anxiety, as well as lack of sleep and depression, are linked to gut health. Gut bacteria not only have a positive effect on the digestive system, but also on the brain, which is the center of the entire body where most mental problems such as stress and anxiety occur.

La détresse mentale est toujours liée à la détresse digestive et des études ont montré que la base de la plupart des maladies mentales n'est pas le cerveau comme beaucoup le pensent la plupart du temps, ce qui rend évident que certains changements et améliorations du régime alimentaire pourraient augmenter la force mentale et réduire le stress mental. Il est donc évident que les troubles liés au stress sont principalement un facteur de la santé intestinale et que si nous pouvons mettre fin aux troubles associés à l'intestin, nous pouvons être assurés que le corps sera moins stressé qu'auparavant.

 Here are some tips to cleanse your gut and therefore reduce your stress for a better quality of life.

1. Engage in physical activity

Quelques études ont montré que l'exercice physique A few studies have shown that exercise helps bacteria grow in the gut. This exercise improves peristalsis, the movement of digestive food through thegut to the colon, and the colon contains more probiotic bacteria than any other part of the body.

2. Take prebiotics and probiotics

A prebiotic is a specialized plant fiber that feeds the good bacteria in the large colon. This fiber acts as fertilizer for the good bacteria already in the gut. To get a prebiotic that is highly effective, it is recommended to combine several superfoods. 

 probiotics, on the other hand, are supplements that introduce new bacteria into the digestive tract.

3. Drink hydrogenated water

Molecular hydrogen and its antioxidant properties are now well known in the health industry.

In effect, molecular hydrogen helps thegut microbiomes stay very healthy by reducing free radicals and thus oxidative stress.

It is now quite easy to obtain this miracle water. Many molecular hydrogen generators now produce hydrogenated water within minutes. But beware, not all technologies offer the same water quality. Machines with older technologies do not use SPE/PEM membranes and therefore are less efficient.

Another way to make hydrogenated water is via hydrogen supplements in pellets that you can place in any drink. This method takes about 15 minutes to completely dissolve by adding molecular hydrogen to the drink. It is however more expensive in the long run.

5. Eat a healthy and varied diet .

Les aliments naturels sont des aliments dont les propriétés distinctes restent inchangées et dont les propriétés nutritionnelles sont intactes. Le terme "aliment transformé" désigne un certain type d'aliment dont la composition a été modifiée à dessein avant sa consommation. Les avantages nutritionnels liés à la consommation d'aliments transformés sont pratiquement nuls. Au contraire, ils fournissent des produits chimiques et artificiels nocifs et des ingrédients qui affaiblissent lentement mais délibérément le système immunitaire. Un régime plus naturel et varié, composé d'aliments naturels, favorise une bonne santé intestinale, car les centaines d'espèces de bactéries présentes dans l'intestin jouent un rôle différent dans la santé de l'organisme et ont besoin de nutriments pour se nourrir et se développer.

6. Go organic

Toxins, as their name implies, tend to do one thing, and that is kill. Most of thehealthy bacteria in the body are killed when they come into contact with toxins or powerful drugs like antibiotics. The healthy gut bacteria are also killed by pesticides that are sprayed on the non-organic foods we eat because they contain glyphosate. The body then mistakes the toxic glyphosate for glycine, a beneficial neurotransmitter, and incorporates it into the body's metabolism.

Glyphosate is the cause of many serious diseases such as

  • asthma,

  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),

  • Diabetes,

  • Parkinson's disease,

  • Neural tube defects,

  • hypertension,

  • glaucoma,

  • hepatic steatosis,

  • osteoporosis.

7. Eat foods rich in polyphenols

Polyphenols are plant compounds that help reduce blood pressure, oxidative stress, cholesterol and inflammation. Upon ingestion of these foods rich in polyphenols, human cells do not have the ability to digest the compounds in these foods; therefore, they travel to the colon, where they are digested by gut bacteria.  les bactéries intestinales. 

Sources of good polyphenols include. 

  • green tea, 


  • ONIONS, 

  • grape, 

  • blueberries, 

  • broccoli, 

  • dark chocolate.

8. Add fermented foods to your plate

Thebeneficial bacteria are still present in fermented foods, which is very beneficial for gut health compared to foods that have been pasteurized and contain no live cultures. Some of the most interesting fermented foods include kombucha, sauerkraut, coconut kefir, and kimchi, as many of these foods are very high in lactobacilli, very beneficial gut bacteria.

9. Eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day

Fruits and vegetables are very beneficial sources of nutrients fora very healthy microbiota. They are very high in fiber, which is very easy for the human body to digest and can also be better digested by certain gut bacteria, which stimulates their growth. Organic foods are better because they do not contain pesticides that kill gut bacteria.

Examples of organic foods: peas, broccoli, artichokes and Brussels sprouts.

10. Relax

Motor parasympathetic fibers are supplied by the vagus nerve. This motor parasympathetic supply goes to every organ in the body, except the adrenal glands, from the neck to the second segment of the transverse colon. The vagus nerve helps regulate speech, sweating, various gastrointestinal functions as well as heart rate.

Vagus nerve stimulation can be done in many ways, including massage, positive thoughts and yoga.


Ydrogen2O is a bottle that gives you antioxidant water thanks to its hydrogen generator. Drinking hydrogenated water is ideal for preventing aging.

In our body, molecular hydrogen is mainly present thanks to water since a water molecule is made up of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.

Why is dehydration harmful ?