Learn more about molecular hydrogen

So what is molecular hydrogen? What can it do for you? Why is it important to help you lead a healthier lifestyle? We hope that in the next few lines we will be able to help you answer all these questions.

In this article, we will help you better understand what molecular hydrogen is and how it works. 

More and more peer-reviewed research is being published on the subject and showing very positive results. So, warm up your brains, drink a glass of hydrogen water and let's get the classes started.

Retour aux bases de l’hydrogène

Today, we're going to talk a little bit about what hydrogen is. What makes it so special, and why we need it. 

Hydrogen is a chemical element in the Mendeleyev periodic table bearing the symbol H, atomic number 1 and standard atomic weight of 1.008 making it the lightest element in the periodic table. But it is only when two hydrogen atoms bond together that we get molecular hydrogen (H2).

In nature, hydrogen atoms tend to bond with other atoms as is the case, for example, in the water molecule H2O.

Pourquoi l’hydrogène ?

Hydrogen can do much more than we give it credit for. Beyond our wildest imagination, we never suspected that the lightest element on the periodic table could be the next revelation and becomethe most common molecule in the universe.

Because of its exceptionally small size and mass, hydrogen has the ability to easily penetrate the cell membrane as well as the blood-brain barrier and even the cell nucleus where it repairs and protects DNA, enhancing mitochondrial health.

L’eau hydrogénée, plus qu'une simple eau filtrée

By now, most of you probably know that your city's tap water contains unhealthy particles such as heavy metals (mostly from soil and rusty water pipes), hormonal waste (from drug addicts and livestock waste that farmers dump down their drains), fluorides (which some municipalities often add deliberately), and several drug residues (which people dump down the drain).

While most of you have focused on water purification, huge benefits can be achieved by turning filtered water into antioxidant water, which is now called hydrogen rich water.

L’eau hydrogénée contre l’intoxication aux métaux lourds

Lead, a heavy metal found in tap water, has a negative impact on neurological development and is the cause of many nervous system and brain disorders. People usually don't hesitate to complain if this metal accidentally gets into their children's toys, but surprisingly, they don't mind if it gets into their drinking water.

Now, we have found that drinking hydrogen-rich water can protect you from neurological damage to the brain, whether from surgery, stroke, or over time due to oxidative stress.

L’eau riche en hydrogène pour réduire les courbatures

If you consider yourself an athlete, you probably think a lot about hydrating your body. And if you follow the latest fitness and nutrition routines, there's always a good chance you've heard of hydrogenated water, an interesting product that has health benefits for everyone.

It has been proven thatsignificant hydration with hydrogen-rich water before exercise reduces the levels of lactate, which is responsible for muscle soreness, in the blood of athletes. It is clearly suggested that hydrogenated water could be really effective for athletes and can regulate their lactic acid production but also reduce and prevent fatigue as well as increase their recovery rate.

Pour conclure : n’hésitez plus et buvez de l’hydrogène moléculaire !

So if you're concerned about heavy metals lurking in your tap water or just want to optimize the health of you and your family, opt for hydrogen-rich water that will help you and your family stay fit and healthy at all times.


Ydrogen2O is a bottle that gives you antioxidant water thanks to its hydrogen generator. Drinking hydrogenated water is ideal for preventing aging.

In our body, molecular hydrogen is mainly present thanks to water since a water molecule is made up of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.

To date, research on hydrogenated water shows that it is a real antioxidant, which considerably slows down the aging process.

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