Molecular hydrogen to treat the pulmonary consequences of COVID-19

In a very short time, COVID-19 has become a much feared virus worldwide and on March 11, 2020, it is declared a pandemic by the WHO. People affected by the coronavirus can develop Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS).

Fortunately, you are not totally helpless against the respiratory consequences of COVID-19 and you have the opportunity to help your body heal. You also have the opportunity to strengthen your immune system. 

According to recent feedback from Chinese patients, molecular hydrogen can help you improve the condition of your post-covid lungs.

The pulmonary sequelae of COVID-19

Currently, researchers are unsure why the virus affects some people more severely than others. In general, older people or those with underlying health problems are most affected, but COVID-19 does not spare young and healthy middle-aged people. There is no doubt that a strong immune system will help you fight the virus if you are exposed to it.

The reason for the difference in severity of illness from person to person also cannot be exactly identified. People with mild symptoms may recover at home, while others withmore severe symptoms may need to be placed on a ventilator. 

How does COVID-19 affect your lungs?

Regardless of which category you fall into, you are likely todevelop lung damage even after you have recovered from the initial illness. Shortness of breath, impacted stamina, coughing, chest tightness,... the COVID-19 acts similarly to pneumonia in that it can severely damage the lower airways (the bronchi and lungs) by causing inflammation of the air sacs of the lungs. 

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Some of the severe infections can lead to ARDS, a respiratory failure that results in fluid accumulation in the lungs. Inflamed walls of the lung cavities (alveoli) and blood vessels in the lungs (capillaries) prevent the free flow of oxygen from inhaled air into the bloodstream. 

As a result, oxygen levels in the blood drop dramatically, and you find yourself increasingly short of breath as the inflammation worsens in your lungs. Reduced oxygen levels in the blood can also cause complications in other organs, so it's important to treat yourself early to avoid the development of respiratory inflammation of any kind.

Exactly how SDRA develops is still unclear, but evidence shows that oxidative stress plays an important role. When affected by COVID-19, the antioxidants that manage oxidative stress are overwhelmed. 

Although the long-term sequelae of COVID-19 are not yet known, the researchers are still comparing them to the effects of pneumonia and SDRA. This gives them a clearer picture of what to expect. In most situations, people recover completely without any respiratory problems, but this is not always the case. Sometimes,lung damage occurs and thus may cause long-term breathing problems.

How can molecular hydrogen help?

Hydrogen is the smallest gas and can move freely and safely through our bodies. It has been proven to benefit our health in a variety of ways. 

It has many benefits for the body.

  • It is moisturizing.

  • It has anti-aging properties.

  • It helps to manage allergies.

  • It improves cognitive abilities.

  • It strengthens immunity.

  • It is anti-inflammatory.

  • It is an antioxidant

The last two benefits of molecular hydrogen are the most important to us, as it is these properties that make molecular hydrogen beneficial in treatment of lung injury due to COVID-19 and other lung diseases such as pneumonia and ARDS.

The impact of COVID-19 on oxidative stress

The oxidative stress and inflammation caused by COVID-19 significantly damages our lungs. 

Oxidative stress is a condition in which the production of free radicals far exceeds the removal of those radicals. With a virus such as the coronavirus, this imbalance is exacerbated and free radicals cause even more damage to the body. The body's natural production of antioxidants, which is supposed to neutralize free radicals, is completely overwhelmed. 

Molecular hydrogen and its relevance to the lungs

Hydrogen is an element that, thanks to its antioxidant action, eliminates free radicals from the body thus keeping us healthy. 

Our bodies synthesize some antioxidants on their own and we consume others through certain foods, but this is not always enough. When we are faced with an illness, we need extra help to repair the damage caused by free radicals.

When COVID-19 runs its course and causes damage to your lungs, it increases the number of free radicals there, and thus inflammation. Adding hydrogen to your body may be essential to fighting the effects of the virus. In addition, if your lungs have lasting inflammatory damage after the initial illness has healed, molecular hydrogen can also help treat that damage and prevent any long-term breathing difficulties. 

Where to find molecular hydrogen?

1. Ihydrogen inhalation

Hydrogen can be delivered directly to the lungs by professionally administering it through inhalation therapy. Hydrogen inhalation therapy has been shown to reduce the hydroxyl (OH) radical, one of the most potent oxidants that cause significant oxidative stress. 

Because hydrogen can move freely and easily throughout the body once it has been inhaled, it can reduce damage to many organs, including the lungs, brain, heart, liver and kidneys. 

2. Hydrogenated water

Molecular hydrogencan also be administered through a hydrogen-enriched saline infusion. You can also add it easily at home by adding a hydrogen tablet to your glass of water, better yet, you can invest in a hydrogenated water generator.

These generators will not only provide hydrogenated drinking water, but also disinfectant water that can be used to disinfect your hands and home surfaces to prevent the contraction of COVID-19.

To conclude on molecular hydrogen

The COVID-19 is not a disease to be taken lightly, do not take it lightly. It has taken many lives and the rate of infection is still rising. You must take all necessary precautions, wash and sanitize your hands, follow all restrictions imposed by the authorities and take care of your health as best you can. Learn about the symptoms and signs to watch for, and if you think you or a loved one has contracted the disease, contact your doctor or visit a testing center.

With products such as hydrogenated water andmolecular hydrogen, we can all take a step forward in staying healthy. If you have contracted the virus, molecular hydrogen is a great supplement to have on hand to help heal your damaged lungs. 

In addition, what makes the consumption of molecular hydrogen even more attractive is that there are little to no adverse effects as long as it is not abused.


Ydrogen2O is a bottle that gives you antioxidant water thanks to its hydrogen generator. Drinking hydrogenated water is ideal to prevent aging.

In our body, molecular hydrogen is mainly present thanks to water since a water molecule is made of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.

Learn more about molecular hydrogen