Could hydrogenated water prevent cancer?

Hydrogen-enriched water seems to be the next big health and wellness trend, currently taking the UK and US by storm. Some even claim it can prevent cancer.

Hydrogenated water, an exceptional antioxidant

Curiously, people have known about the antioxidant properties of this water since the 1960s. Japan and other Far Eastern countries have been consuming hydrogen-enriched water for decades. Perhaps this is one factor in their above-average life span? Whatever the case, doctors, dieticians and health enthusiasts around the world are raving about all the health benefits you can get from simply drinking about 2 liters of hydrogen-enriched water per day. Sounds simple enough!

Hydrogenated water, far from being ordinary water

Ordinary water is just a combination of two hydrogen molecules combined with one oxygen molecule. However, when you ionize it and infuse it with hydrogen, it suddenly becomes very rich in antioxidants. 

This process is accomplished with magnesium or, better yet, electrolysis. Best of all, it seems that after all the research, there are no known side effects. Although some experts say that more concrete studies are needed on human patients. So read on and find out how hydrogen water can prevent cancer.

Hydrogen against free radicals

You see, what hydrogen molecules do in your body is neutralize oxygen free radicals, which is why they are considered one of the best antioxidants available. Because oxygen free radicals are more likely to develop disease, inflammation and premature aging of the body.

The reason that hydrogen is able to fight them very effectively is that it is such a small element that it can penetrate the cell membrane, into the mitochondria, cross the blood-brain barriers and even reach the nucleus.

So far, this is a unique therapeutic recovery tool not seen anywhere else. The researchers believe that it will become commonplace in the future to prescribe hydrogen recovery programs to all patients.

The properties of hydrogen

If one wanted to list the unique capabilities of hydrogen, one could say that it is :

  • A great antioxidant,

  • An anti-inflammatory,

  • And a neuroprotector.

In addition, it has many health benefits while being non-toxic at any dose:

  • It reduces cholesterol.

  • It lowers blood sugar levels.

  • It protects the organs.

  • It helps prevent many diseases.

Hydrogen to fight against cancer

However, more interesting and promising are the studies showing thathydrogen-enriched water can help prevent cancer. They have shown that hydrogen-heated water is an effective and reliable way to treat tumors

This is because hydrogen is able to reach the source of the problem andinitiate a healing process directly within the tumor itself. It has also been noted that it can completely suppress tumor growth in some human tissues. 

Another key benefit, however, is that it can also help patients cope with side effects of other cancer treatments.

Hydrogenated water to combat the effects of radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is a known cause of high oxidative stress, as it increases overall hydroperoxide levels in your body and also causes loss of appetite. Thanks to the antioxidants and metabolism-boosting properties in hydrogen-enriched water, we have found that patients who consume the enriched water while undergoing radiotherapy are able to better cope with the side effects.

This is a fascinating aspect of the health benefits of hydrogenated water, and we hope it will help physicians develop better treatment plans for their patients.


Ydrogen2O is a bottle that gives you antioxidant water thanks to its hydrogen generator. Drinking hydrogenated water is ideal for preventing aging.

In our body, molecular hydrogen is mainly present thanks to water since a water molecule is made up of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.

To date, research on hydrogenated water shows that it is a real antioxidant, which considerably slows down the aging process.

How to reduce oxidative stress?