Preventing heart disease with molecular hydrogen, is it possible ?

Cardiovascular diseases are the most common causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Sometimes the result of specific pathologies, they can also be indirectly due to an unhealthy lifestyle (no physical activity, too much fat or sugar in the diet,...). Despite years of extensive research on the subject, there is still no safe and effective method to prevent and treat them with total efficiency.

Molecular hydrogen in radiation therapy

According to statistics, cardiovascular and oncological diseasesare the leading cause of more than 93% of morbidity worldwide. One of the most widely used methods of treating cancer patients is radiation therapy, which uses impressive results. This treatment damages cancer cells and leads to their apoptosis (self-destruction) and healing of patients.

However, when irradiating cancer cells, the surrounding healthy tissues may also be inadvertently affected. This can cause serious health problems, including radiation-induced heart disease. Learn how molecular hydrogen can improve the quality of life for radiation therapy patients.

Recently, clinical studies on molecular hydrogen have been performed on various diseases related to oxidative stress such as. 

  • radiation-induced cardiac injury, 

  • ischemia reperfusion (IR).

  • myocardial infarction,

  • heart transplantation, 

  • еtс. 

Findings have shown that molecular hydrogen not only has a positive effect on healing the body, but also onpreventing heart disease.

The causes of cardiovascular disorders

Findings on cardiovascular injury from radiation are the most common cause of damage in cancer survivors. Other key factors responsible forheart disease include oxidative stress, inflammation, and epigenetic changes. 

Free radicals responsible for heart problems

As we can see, excess free radicals in the body are the cause of many cardiac disorders such as ischemia reperfusion, including those related to graft storage in cardiac transplants, as well as radiation-induced cardiac injury.

Molecular hydrogen has been shown to be effective in removing excessive levels of reactive oxygen derivatives (RODs) and thus mitigating the development of oxidative stress. Studies have shown that H2 can treat many diseases associated with oxidative disorders, including heart disorders.

How molecular hydrogen can protect your heart

Molecular hydrogen eliminates oxidation causing free radicals

Molecular hydrogen (H2) represents an effective, non-toxic molecule with broad potential to treat reactive oxygen/nitrogen derivatives (DRO/ERA).

In addition, the preventive effects of H2 have been studied in various pathologies in which free radicals are commonly involved such as:

  • cardiac fibrosis, 

  • hepatic lesions, 

  • neurological damage ,

  • radiation-induced lesions,

  • diabetes,

  • etc.

Hydrogen passes through cells

Molecular hydrogen has favorable physicochemical properties as a therapeutic'antioxidant. It is electrically neutral, which makes it stable. It is the smallest molecule in the universe, which means that it can cross membranes and enter and diffuse into organs.

Hydrogen also does not affect physiology, temperature, blood pressure and pH and is not toxic to your body even beyond the recommended dosage.

In addition to its antioxidant action and its ability to penetrate cells, hydrogen also exerts its beneficial effects by reducing inflammation. This means it helps the body heal faster.

So don't wait any longer to get ahead of the problems by drinking water rich in molecular hydrogen.

References :





Ydrogen2O is a bottle that gives you antioxidant water thanks to its hydrogen generator. Drinking hydrogenated water is ideal for preventing aging.

In our body, molecular hydrogen is mainly present thanks to water since a water molecule is made up of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.

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désinfectant, cicatrisant, anti-odeurs